9 Sep 2021: Scientists say these tuna species are no longer facing extinction

(Information Source: The Counter, on Thu 9 Sep 2021, 11.26 pm)


Scientists at the World Conservation Congress are celebrating the resurgence of key tuna species that once faced extinction. 
The International Union for Conservation of Nature announced that one species of yellowfin tuna, two bluefin species, 
and an albacore are no longer critically endangered or have been removed from the body’s “Red List”—which ranks the world’s most 
endangered species— in the span of just a decade. 

National Geographic reports that researchers were surprised by how quickly the species bounced back, but point to the success 
of initiatives implemented to combat overfishing. 

Modern fishing techniques —including the growing use of longline fishing vessels to capture large Atlantic bluefin tuna 
and the practice of using purse seine nets to catch smaller tuna— all contributed to the decline in population. 

However, improved data, reduced catch quotas, and enforcement have brought them back from the edge of extinction. 

Hold your fork, though: Scientists say the species’ change in status doesn’t mean it’s open season, and they caution that quotas 
should remain in place.


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