Our work force is legal. No child, forced or bonded labor, no discrimination as regards to origins, religions and gender, equal work, equal pay, with freedom in association and choosing employment. To ensure fair treatment to workers, we have enlisted a third party “Workers Voices” to monitor grievances in confidence without workers suffering prejudice or retaliation.
Human rights abuses are not unique to Thailand, they happen all over the world wherever there are income disparities among nations. We read about them in developed economies, in Europe and in North America.
Thailand is the Food Kitchen of the world and exports all kinds of foods. As a developing economy surrounded by less developed countries, Thailand has become the land of opportunity for many of their citizens. Abuses abound and Thailand has become the center of attention after the 2015 Associated Press report on Thai fishing vessels in Indonesian waters. The incident became head line news around the world, thanks to the efforts of the award winning investigative reporters.
The EU issued a yellow card to Thailand for IUU fishing and the US designated Thailand as Tier 3 under TIP (Trafficking in Persons), for its human right practices in the same year.
Since then, the Thai Government has worked earnestly with the EU and US authorities to address IUU and Human right abuses in the seafood industry, especially in relation to migrant workers.
Perpetrators, including high level Government officials, have been arrested and sentenced to jail terms.